Monday 4 September 2017

Struggle women go through in their daily lives

It is that time of the year again, were we approach spring. Approaching spring brings a lot of talks about summer bodies and that will be a “perfect body” I guess. Well I don’t understand why they call it summer body cause now we are approaching spring but that is the story for another day.This time of the year is where women are body shamed and are called names. They are expected to look a certain way. I have to say this, if you feel like you need a summer body then go for it but just know that it is not a force for everyone to have that summer body. Do not think everyone want to have the summer body you have.

Women do we need to body shame each other? Don’t we get enough of body shaming from men? Why don’t we stand together in ending this body shaming thing? Why do we keep on laughing and bringing other women down instead of uplifting them? How do we expect men to respect our body if we our selves makes a laughing stock on each other’s body and we celebrate when they make jokes about another woman? Is this a kind of a society we want our young sisters and children to grow up in?

What we see on social media each and every day is very sad, by it is even sadder to see other women supporting men in body shaming another woman instead of fighting for her. We all have our imperfections that we do not need to be constantly reminded about them and we don’t even want to talk about them because we have already made peace with them.

 What I saw on Facebook today it’s very sad and very unpleasant for a human being to say to another human being? Did we choose to have such bodies that we have? No we didn’t and I bet if we did have a chance to choose bodies we would have all perfect bodies that we are comfortable with.

How do we expect our young sisters to learn from us if we keep on doing this? We know some of them are still very young, naïve and vulnerable and are still new in social media. They come to social media already knowing their imperfections and when they see this body shaming things they might take them personal and end up committing suicide. We don’t have to hurt them we just have to support them but no some of us choose to body shame.

I think no one has an opinion on each other’s body. If you think your body is perfect then keep that to yourself and do not try to find other people’s mistakes. One would say you should not mind what they are saying but even if we tried to ignore them it is hard because you know very well what you are not comfortable with your body. I think most women who body shame each other have something that they are hiding about themselves so they think body shaming another women will make them feel better. Listen here if you are one of those women, if you think hurting another woman will make you feel better the you are wrong cause that makes you to look like a fool.

Ladies let’s stop body shaming each other and start supporting each other. Let us unite and stop men to do it also, they should know that they don’t have a say in our bodies and what they are saying is does not matter to us.I think our young girls have to be taught on how to love themselves and appreciate who they are at the very young age so that when they are exposed to the world they will know better.