Friday 26 August 2016

The importance of exercising

You already know that exercising is good for you, you may not know how well. if you exercise on your daily basis, you will live a healthy lifestyle and reduce chances of getting diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, lower type two diabetes and helps you to lose weight. Well that is the reason most girls like about exercising they say " exercising keep their body in shape." Exercising is good for you and for your health.
Experts once said "20 minutes of exercising a week is enough. Small amount of exercises are significantly better than none improving healthy benefits. Those who do not get enough exercises are particular susceptible to diabetes, heart diseases and some type two of cancer." They also say getting 150 minutes or more moderate activity every week is the amount we need positively impact on the wide range of healthy condition.

We all have different reasons not to exercise ; some don't exercise because they say they don't have time, I think that's an excuse not the reason. Can't you really afford to take 20 minutes of your time to exercise, you do not have anything to lose instead you have a lot to gain. Exercising doesn't mean you have to go to gym or jog, you can do it in your home or just take a 20 minutes walk. It's not going to take much of your time and I can assure you that you won't regret it.

Some say their reason is that they hate sweating; I mean do you really have to care about sweating when you will be living a healthy lifestyle that will benefit you. I think we have to look at the bigger picture here not caring about sweating. What will be the risk of you not exercising, you have to remember it is your life you are putting at risk. Think about your family, teach your children healthy lifestyle while they are still young.
We can say we have our reasons not to exercise are they really reasons or excuses?  Even if we can say they are reasons, are they good enough to let you not think about your health. I think we are just lazy and afraid of changing our lifestyle. Why should we be afraid of changing to the healthy lifestyle than be afraid of the risks we could face when we are not exercising.

My question is that, do we choose to be ignorant about serious issues like this or we are not educated enough, or we lack information. If we are not educated who do we blame?  I think it is our fault because we seem to care less about important issues that affect our life and that may destroy our future.
If you want to live a healthy lifestyle, I suggest you start moving today, although you would not get healthy overnight but  I know that it is not too late to change for the better healthy lifestyle. Let us all exercise.